
Book list

Archive of interesting books

A personal list of books that I have used and I don’t want to forget about :)

[A] means Advanced, [B] means basic.


  • The Linux Programming Interface. Michael Kerrisk


  • Modern C. Jens Gunstedt
  • Effective C. Robert C. Seacord


  • SSA-based Compiler Design. Fabrice Rastello, Florent Bouchez Tichadou. Springer

Computer Architecture

Synthesis Lectures on Computer Architecture is generally a good place to start if a computer architecture-related topic interests you.

Both advanced books are really good. They are most benefited from when the reader has a solid base, but they can also be used to get it.

I have a pretty negative opinions towards the vast majority of computer architecture books, particularly the introductory ones. In my opinion, Harris & Harris’s book is the best introductory text by far.

Operating Systems

  • Operating Systems: Three Easy Pieces. Arpaci-Dusseau


  • VLSI Physical Design: From Graph Partitioning to Timing Closure. Andrew B Kahng
  • Handbook of Algorithms for Physical Design Automation. Charles J. Alpert
  • CMOS VLSI Design: A Circuits and Systems Perspective. Harris


  • Electricity and Magnetism. P.F. Kelly


  • Combinatorial Optimization. Bernhard Korte, Jens Vygen


  • Recorridos por la Teoría de Números. Juan Luis Varona Malumbres
  • A Concise Introduction to Pure Mathematics. Martin Liebeck
  • Algebra Lineal y Geometría. Eugenio Hernández.

Dover books


  • Introductory Discrete Mathematics. V. Balakrishnan
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